Lochview Medical Practice


Click on the links to find more information for patients.


Disabled access

There is good access for the disabled to all of our consultation rooms. A designated parking bay is adjacent to the Health Centre entrance, the pavement outside is lowered and ... [continue] Disabled access

Health Board

We hold a General Medical Services (GMS) contract with NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde. Details of this contract are available by writing to the Health Board at the address below: NHS Greater ... [continue] Health Board

Medical education

TRAINING PRACTICE We are currently a training practice which means we are involved in the training of GPs.  The GP Trainee is a fully qualified doctor near the end of ... [continue] Medical education

Your local HSCP

The Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP) is a new organisation that builds on our previous CHCP arrangements. It formally brings together community health services and social work services. Find ... [continue] Your local HSCP

Date published: 8th October, 2014
Date last updated: 5th December, 2014